The Wing Chun System

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0 mins 37 secs
Suitable for: Beginner

The Wing Chun System

This is a high-level overview of the Wing Chun forms.

Wing Chun is a very compact system.  It has only three empty hand forms, a wooden dummy form and two weapon forms:

Sil Lim Tao: “Little Idea Form”

Trains all the basic hand positions, the concept of the centreline and the basic stance.

Chum Kiu: “Seeking the Bridge”

Trains generating power through body rotation alongside combining lower and upper body movement.

Biu Gee: “Darting Fingers”

Trains the advanced use of the fingers and elbows.

Mook Yan Jong: “The Wooden Dummy”

Training which develops and refines applications of the basic principles and techniques.

Chi Sao: “Sticky Hands”

Training with a partner develops a high degree of responsiveness in the application of the techniques.

This training starts with set patterns (Dan Chi Sao and Poon Sau) but leads to spontaneous and unrehearsed combat.

Bart Cham Do (Wing Chun Butterfly Knives)

Trains wrist and elbow power.

Luk Dim Boon Gwun (Long-Pole)

Trains strength in the stance as well as wrist and elbow power.

For a more in-depth explanation of the Wing Chun forms, please see the "What are the Wing Chun Forms?" article here: Link