What is Wing Chun?

Read Time:
1 min 20 secs
Suitable for: Beginner

Wing Chun is a style of Kung Fu that originates from China, the martial art was later refined in Hong Kong by the late Ip Man. Though most commonly spelt Wing Chun in English it can also be spelt Ving Tsun or Wing Tsun. Regardless of spelling, Wing Chun is recognised as one of the most practical and devastatingly effective, no nonsense self-protection martial arts systems in the world.

Wing Chun’s specialty is in close contact combat, using quick punches and kicks with a tight defense, coordinated through agile stances and footwork for a quick advance. The effectiveness of this fighting style is achieved by well-coordinated attacks with simultaneous defense and vice versa. Due to its effectiveness this martial art makes for an effective form of self-defense.  The student must learn to deliver the correct amount of energy or force, whilst staying relaxed.

Often referred to as ‘Hong Kong street fighting’, Wing Chun is often classed as a ‘soft style’ because of the minimal effort or physical force required to overcome larger, stronger opponents. In today’s tumultuous world Wing Chun not only offers an exceptional personal defense system, Wing Chun training will also improve physical fitness, mental and physical relaxation and helps reduce stress through mental focus and correct breathing techniques.

Wing Chun uses a uses a few simple principle in its fighting strategy:

  • The shortest (and fastest) distance between two points is a straight line.
  • The centerline (the plane between the centre of your / your opponents body) is key – control and strike along this.
  • Receive what comes, follow what leaves, strike when open.

These simple principles are behind every Wing Chun technique and form and ensure a style of combat that is creative, fluid and extremely fast.

Copyright @ Craig Sands