
Craig Sands

Ip Man Wing Chun

My Wing Chun Journey

As a child of the 1970’s I grew up within the explosion of Kung Fu in the West. My first exposure was through the TV series, Monkey along with the Bruce Lee films. The thing that resonated with me was the high level of skill that Kung Fu practitioners had achieved along with the strong principles and morality that underpinned this.

I began practising Martial Arts at Lancaster University whilst studying my Undergraduate Degree, initially trying Judo, Kick-Boxing and then settling on Shotokan Karate. It was a shame that the Sam Kwok school was not there back in the early 1990’s, as I would have found the Wing Chun path much earlier!

I greatly enjoyed progressing through the grades in Karate, but never fully connected with the style. During the next ten years I enjoyed actively training my body to higher levels of ability, developing core strength, flexibility and relaxation through Yoga.

Having developed a deep interest in Shaolin Kung Fu I also started to develop my mind initially through meditation and then through an exploration of the principles of Taoism and Chan Buddhism. I became fascinated with the cultural heritage of the East and its deep understanding of the self connected with the natural world.

After finishing my Master’s Degree in 2000 I strongly contemplated training at the Shaolin Monastery and pursuing a life training and studying at a Buddhist temple. Having moved back home to the Lincolnshire area I spent a lot of time researching different martial arts.

I decided that Chinese Kung Fu seemed to be the best fit – offering a rich history and system which resonated with me. After further research, I was immediately attracted to the simplicity and directness of Wing Chun as a fighting system. I then set about finding the right instructor and school.

Although some distance away, I was immediately impressed with the style and traditional approach of Jonny Grange at Oundle Wing Chun. This was within the Ip Man lineage, under Ip Ching and Ron Heimberger. Although historically there seems to have been some politics in Wing Chun, I value my lineage but actively embrace and promote the diversity of the global Wing Chun community.

Wing Chun quickly became, and has remained over the last 20 years, a fundamental part of my life. In Wing Chun I have found an effective fighting style that I can express myself through and use into later life. It has offered me a path to develop myself physically, mentally and spiritually – mastery of which will be a welcome challenge for many years to come. By exploring the Shaolin heritage and deeper Chan Buddhist insights Wing Chun has become an extension of who I am. I am fundamentally a different, better person by studying Wing Chun, Chinese Kung Fu.

A Word About The Wing Chun Journey Site

Important: The information presented through this website is not intended as advice. I am simply sharing my personal insights and experience. Training in any martial art always poses risks or injury, so please consult a medical professional before engaging in any activity.

There is no substitute for the guidance that a capable Sifu can give in helping you along your own Wing Chun path, so I would recommend finding an instructor / school in your area that you feel fits with the training approach you are seeking.

The Blog contains third-party articles from leading Wing Chun experts that are freely available elsewhere on the internet. I am merely sharing these to help spread awareness and understanding of Wing Chun Kung Fu.