
Relax and calm your mind. Forget about yourself and follow your opponents movement

Ip Man

Wing Chun is an effective martial art that is quick to learn but takes a lifetime to master.

As a compact fighting system with a small number of forms and simple movements, it is possible to quickly grasp the fundamentals and use these to defend yourself.

Remaining calm and relaxed whilst maintaining a relentless focus on destroying an opponent, on the other hand, is not something that happens overnight.

Grandmaster Ip Man on the Wooden Dummy
Grandmaster Ip Man on the Wooden Dummy
Having studied Wing Chun for 20 years within the Ip Man lineage,  I am dedicated to sharing insights and experience from my own journey.  The main site contains my original content and explores the deeper  'internal' aspects revealed beneath the simple but brutally effective fighting art that is Wing Chun. The Blog area proudly showcases amazing articles from leading authorities in the Wing Chun community that I have found invaluable to my own learning.  I hope the content I have gathered here helps you in moving further along your own Wing Chun Journey - Craig.        

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